Sri Lanka Inventors Commision (SLIC)
"Sri Lanka Inventors Commission spearheads national responsibility by contributing more effectively to eradicate coronavirus"
Commissioner of the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission, Prof. Rangika Halwatura, commented on the powerful blessings that the Corona epidemic has had on renewing innovation in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology (SLINTEC)
Shraddha TV - SLINTEC disinfectant face shield
Disinfectant coatings are rapidly emerging as a primary component of the global mitigation strategy of pathogens. The SLINTEC team has developed a transparent antimicrobial coating that can be applied to several types of surfaces without tarnishing their aesthetic appearance. Most importantly, this technology eradicates pathogens on the coating applied surface as well as in the surrounding air. Antimicrobial activity of the paint is tested well according to ASTM and ISO standards and the Antiviral test is ongoing. However, according to the experience and knowledge, virus degradation should be higher than that of bacteria degradation (the virus has a primitive cell structure than the bacteria) The SLINTEC proprietary technology is now available to be licensed at IPI Singapore - a global tech-transfer platform. (Use following link for further details)Disinfectant coatings are rapidly emerging as a primary component of the global mitigation strategy of pathogens. The SLINTEC team has developed a transparent antimicrobial coating that can be applied to several types of surfaces without tarnishing their aesthetic appearance. Most importantly, this technology eradicates pathogens on the coating applied surface as well as in the surrounding air. Antimicrobial activity of the paint is tested well according to ASTM and ISO standards and the Antiviral test is ongoing. However, according to the experience and knowledge, virus degradation should be higher than that of bacteria degradation (the virus has a primitive cell structure than the bacteria) The SLINTEC proprietary technology is now available to be licensed at IPI Singapore - a global tech-transfer platform. (Use following link for further details)
Shraddha TV already started a charity project called “මව්බිම වෙනුවෙන් එක්වෙමු (maubima wenuwen ekwemu)” to support our medical staff and the general public. Under this program, they started to prepare a simple face shield to donate medical people to protect from the corona pandemic. After heard about this face shield project, as a national service, SLINTEC team donated the recently developed disinfectant transparent paint to the Shraddha TV to apply on their face shield. The Paint will give additional support via disinfectant activity for better protection than the normal face shield.