The State Minister of Technology and Innovation gave instructions to the relevant officials to expedite the process of setting up a Timber Designing Innovation Centre (TDIC) and Timber Process Innovation Center (TPIC), an initiative envisaged to add value to the Sri Lankan timber industry and being implemented on cabinet approval.

The Coordinating Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (COSTI) functioning under the State Ministry of Technology and Innovation in collaboration with the University of Moratuwa and University of Sri Jayawardenapura, are assigned the task of setting up these two timber innovation centers.

Once these two innovation centers begin operations, the country will be given the opportunity of introducing timber based innovation designs to the high end global export market with these centres operating as fully fledged timber innovation centers in future.

Through the successful operation of this centres, the Ministry expects to accomplish the long-term outcomes such as establishing the Moratuwa area as a  region of excellence in timber product designs, upscale and redefine small timber manufacturers in Sri Lanka, capacity building through trainings, knowledge and technology transferring, job creation in timber industry creating a unique branding identified for Sri Lankan timber designs and protecting it through intellectual property, enhancing high-end export market opportunities for Sri Lankan timber and timber based products, increasing  the GDP contribution of timber and timber based products, and increasing innovative timber exports targeting economic growth.

Ensuring the successful implementation of the project a tripartite MOU was entered into between University of Moratuwa, University of Sri Jayawardanapura and COSTI functioning under the Ministry of Technology and Innovation. Funds have been handed over to the respective Universities to undertake relative activities identified for implementation under TPIC and TDIC in the plan of action of the ministry.

University of Sri J’pura is in the process of conducting 4 researches on timber process innovation under TPIC and ready to launch an online platform for all levels of timber industrialists. ­­­­­­­­­­

Parallel to this initiative, cabinet approval has been granted for Sri Lanka to secure membership of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO).

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Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) will be conver­­­­ted to a degree awarding institution - pledges Minister Thilanga Sumathipala.

Thilanga Sumathipala, State Minister of Technology and Innovation said that SLIATE will be converted to a degree awarding institution. He made these remarks at a special discussion held with the representatives of the association of academic staff of SLIATE, focusing on the measures to be taken towards the development of the institutions. 

Further expressing his views, the Minister said,

“SLIATE can be compared to a flower which has bloomed in the jungle. It is my view that despite having the capacity to add more value to the economy, proper usage is not being derived from SLIATE. Therefore, I hope to take action to develop this institution converting it to a degree awarding institution. Our children hold different insights and outlooks. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of subjects being taught in the 19 institutions established islandwide, from 60 to 80, to suit their needs. We are committed to provide all physical resources needed to acquire this status.

This institution could be upgraded through closer links established with University Grants Commission, State Universities and Non-government Universities which are authorized to award degrees. We will take maximum efforts to initiate this task starting with several subjects which could easily lead up to degree status.

The scope of subjects being taught at this institution should be updated leaning more towards the technological sector. For this, the research institutions functioning under our ministry could collaborate in providing opportunities for the students to engage in new research. This makes it easy to add more value to the institution. 

As an initial step towards fulfilling this task, a strategic plan will be devised focusing on policy concerns, convening all stakeholders, within the next two weeks’ time. In line with this strategic plan, the enrollment of students to the institutions will be carried out according to a new methodology. This is the long-awaited chance to upgrade SLIATE. Under the presidency of His Excellency Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who is concerned with and focused on the need to empower the future generation with technology for economic development, this task has become easily attainable.

Upgrading SLIATE to the level of a degree awarding institution would reduce our country's money flowing into foreign lands.

”He further emphasized that it would be converted to a higher technological education institution awarding degrees to future intakes of students similar to University of Technology ensuring no disruption being caused to those who pursue studies in the institution. At this discussion the representatives of the association of the Academic Staff presented the issues and inconveniences that they encounter on a professional basis and the Minister pledged his support to resolve the issues along with the development of this institution.

Mr. Chinthka Lokuhetti, Secretary to the Ministry, Prof. Janitha Liyanage, Dr. Arosha Fernando and a group of officials of SLIATE joined in the discussion.

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Circular Solar eclipse (Total Solar Eclipse) visible to Sri Lanka nine years later was observed in an Observation Camp held under the patronage of Hon. State Minister of Technology and Innovation Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala and Hon. Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Mr. Douglas Devananda,  at the Jaffna University Stadium this morning (26.12.2019).Circular Solar eclipse (Total Solar Eclipse) visible to Sri Lanka nine years later was observed in an Observation Camp held under the patronage of Hon. State Minister of Technology and Innovation Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala and Hon. Minister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Mr. Douglas Devananda,  at the Jaffna University Stadium this morning (26.12.2019).

The previous eclipse appeared in 2010. This occasion is a special event to the general public as this eclipse will again be seen in Sri Lanka on May 21, 2031. Since the eclipse is best visible to the north, observation camps have been organized at several locations in the area. These camps were located at the Jaffna University, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Jaffna in Kilinochchi and the Mullaitivu coastal belt.

Mr. Chinthaka S Lokuhetti, Secretary to the State Ministry of Technology and Innovation, Prof. Chandana Jayaratne of the University of Colombo and Prof. P. Ravirajana of the University of Jaffna were also present at the occasion.

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The Annual National Science Foundation Awards Ceremony - 2018 organized by the National Science Foundation functioning under the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation was held at the BMICH on 18th December 2019 under the patronage of Hon. Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation Mr. Bandula Gunawardena and the Hon. Minister of State Ministry of Technology and Innovation Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala. The award ceremony is organized annually with the aim of recognizing outstanding researchers who have contributed to the advancement of science in research funded by the National Science Foundation and to motivate research grant recipients to continue to maintain high standards in scientific research.The Annual National Science Foundation Awards Ceremony - 2018 organized by the National Science Foundation functioning under the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation was held at the BMICH on 18th December 2019 under the patronage of Hon. Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation Mr. Bandula Gunawardena and the Hon. Minister of State Ministry of Technology and Innovation Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala. The award ceremony is organized annually with the aim of recognizing outstanding researchers who have contributed to the advancement of science in research funded by the National Science Foundation and to motivate research grant recipients to continue to maintain high standards in scientific research.

The awards were presented under four main categories. A total of 26 research projects were awarded under the schemes of National Science Foundation Research Awards, the National Science Foundation Technology Awards, the Young Scientist Award presented by the World Science Academy and the National Science Foundation, and the Support for Research Degree Supervision Scheme. Under the National Science Foundation Research Awards category, five awards were awarded in the fields of Engineering, Health Sciences, Biotechnology, Basic Sciences and Environment and Biodiversity projects funded by the NSF. Achievement award was presented to one of the successful projects under the Technology Awards category to value the contribution of a technology grant recipient in enhancing innovation activities. Dr. Ranil Jayawardena of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo has been conferred with the Young Scientist Award by the World Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation for young scientists who have excelled in their fields of research in biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics. Scientists/ Academics who supervise postgraduate students in the fields of science and technology received 12 awards from a panel of supervisors, with the aim of motivating engineers and encouraging universities and research institutes to develop postgraduate research and training facilities.

The keynote address of the award ceremony was 'Profits of Research' delivered by Professor Malik Ranasinghe of the University of Moratuwa. Addressing the gathering Hon. Minister Mr. Bandula Gunawardena said: “The government including the H.E the President is of the opinion that more funds should be allocated for research from GDP. With many experience he believes that the benefits of human resource development will contribute to the development of the country. It is only through new technology, innovation and innovative thinking that the country can be developed and uplifts the lives of people. Therefore, in the short term, the Government will make most out of the resources available to the government, prioritizing the fields of science, technology, innovation and research in future developments. Scientists and researches should work towards the marketing their results. Thereby, we need to focus more on adding value to our resources.”

Addressing the gathering Hon. Minister Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala said: “There is a lack of research attention from the government side in our country. However, for the first time the present government has established a separate Ministry for Technology and Innovation. It was according to the vision of His Excellency the President who is committed to making the country a better and developed country with technology and innovation capacities. He assumed duties as Head of the State for the first time through a non-political intervention. We need to identify the key factors that will help us transform our country into a developed country. The Ministry of Technology and Innovation aims to make maximum use of scientists through a professional approach. We must convince the government to transform this country into a developed country through a technology-based economy.”

Mr. Anura Dissanayake, Secretary to the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation, Mr. Chinthaka S. Lokuhetti, Secretary to the State Ministry of Technology and Innovation, Mrs. Nandanee Samarawickrama, Acting Chairperson of the National Science Foundation, Professor Ananda Jayawardena, Director General of the National Science Foundation and many other distinguished invitees were present.

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Fourth biennial Research Symposium organized by the Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) under the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation was held at the R&D Complex of the Industrial Technology Institute, Malambe on 17.12.2019 and inaugurated by Hon. Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation Mr. Bandula Gunawardena and Hon. State Minister of Technology and Innovation Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala. The theme of this year's conference was "Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development". The keynote address of the conference was delivered by Professor Rangika Halwatura of the University of Moratuwa. The conference also honored scientists and researchers of the Industrial Technology Institute, who carried out special research, socialized the new knowledge and won awards at national level.Fourth biennial Research Symposium organized by the Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) under the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation was held at the R&D Complex of the Industrial Technology Institute, Malambe on 17.12.2019 and inaugurated by Hon. Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation Mr. Bandula Gunawardena and Hon. State Minister of Technology and Innovation Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala. The theme of this year's conference was "Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development". The keynote address of the conference was delivered by Professor Rangika Halwatura of the University of Moratuwa. The conference also honored scientists and researchers of the Industrial Technology Institute, who carried out special research, socialized the new knowledge and won awards at national level.

Secretary to the State Ministry of Technology and Innovation Mr. Chinthaka Lokuhetti, Additional Secretary Mrs. Nandanie Samarawickrama, Executive Director of the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), Dr. Saidi Junaid, Acting Chairperson of ITI, Mrs. Sureka Hewage, Director General of ITI, Dr. Radhika Samarasekara and a large gathering of people were present at the occasion.

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