image 1 cmDr. Sarath Amunugama, Minister of Science, Technology, Research, Skills Development & Vocational Training and Kandyan Heritage, recently had a special discussion with the Chief Monks of the ancient Raja Maha Viharas in the Kandy District.

IMG 7587Prof. Saman Seneweera assumed duties as the Director of NIFS on 4th June 2018. He is a Professor in Plant Science at the University of Southern Queensland and also works as an adjunct Professor at the University of Melbourne, Australia and Ruhuna University, Sri Lanka.

Dr. Sarath Amunugama, the Minister of Technology, Research and Development, officially assumed duties at his office in Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla on the 16th morning. Ministry officials, including the heads of the institutions affiliated to the Ministry were also present on the occasion.

sarath amunugama


DSC 8136Minister of Science, Technology, Research, Skills Development and Vocational Training & Upcountry Heritage Hon. Dr. Sarath Amunugama made his inaugural visit to NSBM Green University Town on the 8th of June 2018.

The Ho. Minister was graced by the new Chairman of NSBM Mr. P. Ranepura and the vice Chancellor Dr. E.A.Weerasinghe. A small gathering was held at the NSBM Auditorium in which the progress of the NSBM Project was presented to the Hon. Minister by Dr. E.A.Weerasinghe. NSBM Green University Town also presented the “Chathur Widha Man peth” an all island programme for the development of school children to suit the 21st Century.

During the campus tour NSBM’s IT R&D and Business Incubation Center was declared open by the Minister and three companies namely 99X Technology Limited, Omobio Private Limited and Creative Technology Solution Private Limited commenced their operations by training within the Incubation Centre.

NSMB also Exchanged MOUs with Charted Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA-Sri Lanka) and ACCA Sri  Lanka to provide concessionary benefits and accelerated pathways to NSBM undergraduates for the advancement of their professional qualifications.DSC 8197

Hon.  Dr. Sarath Amunugama expressed his satisfaction and gratitude to the service provided by NSBM, and also took part in a tree planting ceremony, to ceremonially mark this special occasion.  A special gift was presented to the Minister by Dr. E.A.Weerasinghe durin the visit.

Ms. Sandya Wijebandara, Secretary of the Science, Technology, Research, Skills Development and Vocational Training & Upcountry Heritage, Mr. Chaminda Rathnayake Deputy Vice Chancellor of NSBM, Academic and Non - academic members of NSBM and other distinguished invitees were among the participants.


image3Mr. Udaya R. Seneviratne who served as the Secretary of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research has retired from the service.