503A2458Hon. Minister of Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Innovation Dr. (Mrs.) Sitha Arambepola said that scientific research should be done to identify problems affecting the people and find solutions to them. The Minister said this while participating in an inspection tour of the Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) in Malabe recently. During the visit, the Minister paid special attention to the research activities carried out at the institute and the value added products produced through the new research knowledge. The construction of the final phase of the herbal medicine laboratory at the Research Complex under the Chinese-Sri Lanka Integrated Biotechnology Laboratory Project was commenced under the patronage of the Minister.

Speaking further the Hon. Minister said, “Scientists in our research institutes do scientific research with great diligence. It is necessary to examine the extent to which the knowledge gained through such research contributes to the up liftmen of the living standards of the general public and the contribution made to strengthen the economy of the country. The goal of this research should be to provide sustainable solutions to people's problems. ”

"For this, it is important that all research institutes under the Ministry work together in a well-coordinated and mutually understanding manner. This makes it easier to find solutions to common problems through research. I will make arrangements to bring all the research institutes under the Ministry to one table and discuss them. Sharing knowledge between institutions is very important. Sometimes the same kind of research is done in different institutions. Since it is a waste of time and money, I feel it would be effective if any research could be started from one institution and if any other institute wants that research they can continue from where the first institute stop.”

If a product is created through new knowledge discovered through research, it can be commercialized and passed on to the masses.   The Minister also instructed the officials to take necessary steps to create an industrial network by assigning several entrepreneurs.

“Because Sri Lanka is a country rich in valuable medicinal plants, local medicinal plants could be converted to value added products through high technology” chairman of ITI, Dr. Sirimal Premakumara said.

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