Dr. Sita Arambepola, Minister of State Ministry of Skills Development, Vocational Education, Research and Inventions today (24.08.2020) observed the MCPR Chest Compressor Machine, a local innovation that can be used to treat people infected with the Covid 19 virus. The machine was designed by Mr. Dilshan Abeywardena, a final year student of the Medical Faculty of the University of Colombo and was brought under the supervision of the Minister.

During the recent period of rapid spread of the Covid 19 virus infection, about 780 innovations have been created in the country for its control, research and treatment. Mr. Dilshan Abeywardena brought the matter to the attention of Mrs. Sita Arambepola after obtaining the patent for this MCPR machine a few months ago. Mrs. Arambepola pointed out some special features of the machine that need to be improved. Accordingly, in collaboration with the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority (NMRA) and a panel of professors from the Colombo Medical Faculty, the machine has been upgraded and is currently being commercialized in collaboration with TOS Lanka. Today, the Minister inspected the upgraded MCPR machine and it is noteworthyness as the Minister in charge of Innovation in Sri Lanka.

Mr. Dilshan Abeywardena says that it costs around Rs. 48 lakhs to import such a machine from abroad and that this local machine can be manufactured in Sri Lanka for Rs. 2.5 million. He also said that the encouragement and ingenuity given by Dr. Sita Arambepola to create such a precision commercial machine was of great help to him.

Addressing the gathering, the Minister lauded the development of the machine and said that the present government would continue to provide the necessary support and guidance for such innovations in the future.

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