Prof.Cyril Ponnamperuma Memorial International conference on Multidisciplinary Research organized by the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, functioning under the Ministry of Higher Education Technology and Innovation in Commemoration of the 25th death anniversary of one of its founders world renowned Sri Lankan scientist professor Cyril Ponnamperuma ,was held in Kandy on the 21st of January presided by the Hon. Bandula Gunawardena, Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation with the participation of the Hon. Thilanga Sumathipala, State Minister of Technology and innovation. Prof. Rohan Samarajeewa delivered the keynote address of this research conference attended by both local and foreign scientists. Coinciding with the conduct of the research conference, the Auditorium of the Institute of Fundamental Studies was named Prof. Cyril Ponnamperuma Auditorium and the Advanced Battery Research Centre of the institution was declared open.

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